Happy New Year!
It has been quite some time since I wrote my last blog post and today just seemed fitting. A lot of things have been going on in my life!
First of all, I started working in a Middle School with children with Behavior and and Emotional Problems. I love it except the fact that I am only part time.
I am taking 2 grad classes this semester, and they both are really interesting. One is on assessments and the other is on Teaching Written and Spoken Language.
ALSO, I started my own Mary Kay business! I am excited about it but stressed as well. I was given a 24/24 challenge. What I need to do is sell $24 of product to 24 people....! Many people have already helped me out, but if you want to check it out, go to my website, www.marykay.com/jgonyea and let me know!
Today I brought Jonathan to temple and he had a bit of a hard time. I just think he has a hard time sitting for that long (what 4 year old doesn't???)...so I have made a New Years Resolution (fitting as it is the Jewish New Year) to go to temple at least twice a month if not every Saturday. I think it will be good for the both of us:)
Jonathan has started Karate and he has been having a blast! I am really proud of him as he remembers all of his stances from week to week and loves going. Another good thing has come out of it too...I have met a new friend who also has her son in the class. She actually came to temple with me this morning, along with her son Samuel. It is really great not to have to sit by myself at temple:)
Competition Day #1
3 days ago